Sunday, July 31, 2016

$10 TpT Gift Card Giveaway Last Day!

Today is the last day of my giveaway!  Click HERE to enter to win a $10 TpT Giftcard! 

And I truly can't wait for the TpT "Best Year Ever" Sale! My entire store will be 20% OFF!

Saturday, July 30, 2016

$10 TpT Giftcard Giveaway!

I'm sure I'm not the only one who is SUPER stoked about the TpT "The Best Year Ever Sale" on August 1st-2nd!

Not only will my ENTIRE store be 20% OFF, but I am going to give one lucky winner a $10 TpT gift card that they can use during the sale!

Enter my Rafflecopter below for entries to win!

The winner will be notified on August 1st so you can get your shop on!

Friday, July 29, 2016

Five for Friday and new TpT products!

Oh, Summer Days.

Shouldn't they be full of relaxing, swimming, reading, laying out, traveling, etc.?
For me, my summer days are anything BUT relaxing!  I love my daughters with every ounce of my heart, but I am definitely ready to get back to school and get back into my routine again!
Does anyone else feel like this? Or am I a total asshole mom fail?!

In my spare time, meaning after my daughters fall asleep and before I am awakened by my 3 month old so she have her midnight meal, I have been working on some TpT products that have saved my sanity in the classroom.  They have worked for me for a few years so I decided to share them on TpT so they can work for you too!

I want to share my newest products and share a little bit about what I've been up to lately by linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for her Five for Friday linky!

First up is my Voice Levels Hanging Clip Chart! I love using this in my classroom. Whenever my students need to change their voice level, I simply change the placement of the clothespin on there.
This is a picture of the Voice Levels Clip Chart hanging in my room! It's the one on the right.  I'm sorry the picture is so blurry!

Next up is my Hanging Compliment Chain! This product is perfect for motivating students to do the right thing and get compliments all through out the school!

Don't you just love it when your class is walking in a perfect line down the hallway and they get a compliment from another teacher? What about when the lunchroom monitor tells you that your class had exceptional behavior that day? Here is a way to reward all of those compliments your class gets!

When your class gets a compliment you hang up a letter. Then when they get another, attach the next letter using a binder ring. Once the chain is complete, you throw your students a compliment party! Individual compliments don’t count in my classroom- It must be a compliment that the entire class received! 

I use my Classroom Rubric/Scale of Understanding  after every lesson I teach.  I use this rubric to help students evaluate their own understanding of a concept by having them rate their understanding using the numbers on the scale.

This is a picture of the Rubric and my Hand Signals Poster, which I talk about below!

And another product from the picture above is my Hand Signals Poster!  Use this simple Hand Signals Poster in your classroom so students can visually signal the question instead of shouting it out!   Any time my students need to use the restroom, get a drink of water, or sharpen their pencil, they simply use a hand signal so I don't have to hear those questions 1,000 times a day!

And lastly, my 6 year wedding anniversary is this Sunday!  We have been together for over 12 years and I have loved (almost) every second of it!  We are planning on going to dinner and spending the night in a hotel attached to a casino!  I love me some gambling, and I am super excited to have a date night!

That's it for now!

Follow me...

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Christmas in July FINAL DAY with FREEBIE!

Today is the last day of my 20% off Merry Christmas in July sale!  Head HERE to get every product in my store at 20% off!

 And click HERE to get my Winter Fraction Scoot Task Cards for FREE today only!!!

With these cards your students will complete 7 of each of the following problems (28 total problems):

-Simplifying Fractions
-Converting Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers
-Converting Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions
-Draw Models for Fractions


Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Christmas in July Day 2- FREEBIE!

On top of my entire store being 20% off today and tomorrow, I am doing a FREEBIE in honor of my Merry Christmas in July Sale!

Today's FREEBIE is my Christmas Poetry Packet!  It was one of the very first products I made for TpT!

Grab it today for FREE so you can light up your holiday season with Christmas poetry!  Poetry pages include Shape Poem, Acrostic Poem, Haiku, and a Cinquain.

Comment and let me know what you would like to see featured as my FREEBIE tomorrow!


Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Essential Back to School FREEBIES!!!

It is officially 'Back to School' time! I wrote this blog last year and am posting it again so you can get my FREEBIES and check out a few other things I use at the beginning of every school year!

I can't believe it, but the beginning of the school year is quickly approaching! In my district teachers report back on August 14th and the student arrive on the 20th! It's going to be here before I know it! (insert anxiety here)

I have recently spent some time preparing for our Back to School Night.  I absolutely LOVE Back to School Night but it can be an absolute nightmare if you're not prepared!  There are a few things that are VERY important to me that I must do at the beginning of each year.  The first and most important thing I do at Back to School Night is make sure parents get my welcome packet!  Before the students arrive on Back to School Night I put this packet on each student's desk.  That ensures that the parents get it, because they will often pass over a stack of papers that say "TAKE ONE"!

Below are the contents of my Back to School Night Welcome Packet...  If you want a copy of my ipad contract (I made it generic by taking my name off), or my Parent/Student Info Papers you can get them for FREE HERE!!!!!!! (The years have been updated to reflect the current school year!)

1.  The first page in my Welcome Packet is my 'All About Me' page.  This helps the parents and students get to know me a little bit.  I find that the parents are more relatable when they know their child's teacher is an actual human being with a family and interests outside of school!

The black boxes are personal information such as names, places and contact info.
They are blacked out for online purposes only, not in the actual packet!

2.  Right behind the 'All About Me' page is a page for the parent to fill out their contact information. (I use that constantly through out the year!) On the back of that is a page on which I ask the parent to answer some simple questions about their child.  Reading these in the first week of school has helped me immensely in the past few years.  I truly believe that knowing a little background on your students is key to building relationships. :-)  (The years have been updated to reflect the current school year!)

3.  Up next is my iPad contract. I have every single student read and sign the contract before they can even touch one of my iPads.  If a student breaks a rule on the iPad I can bring this bad boy out and show them which rule they broke and ask them how they can be sure not to break it again.  Holding my students accountable with this contract has helped the iPads be a huge success in my room! 4 years with NO broken screens!!!! (crossing my fingers--knocking on wood)  (The years have been updated to reflect the current school year!)

In my TpT store you can download the generic version of this with my name removed!

4.  Next is my F.A.Q. page for parents.  This is a list of commonly asked questions I get through out the school year.  I explain my grading policy, behavior management, how I hand back papers, my classroom food/drink policy, etc.  Very useful for parents to know this information right off the bat!
5.  And lastly, I give parents a copy of my classroom procedures. In a perfect world the parents would go over these procedures with their student during the first week of school, but I'm pretty sure that is just wishful thinking on my part!  I like that no matter what, I KNOW the parents received the basic procedures of my classroom so they kind of have an idea of how an average school day in my room is run.  Of course I cover these with my students in the first week of school, but I like the parents to have a copy as well.

Well, there ya have it! I hope this post has given you some ideas of what to include in your Back to School Packet for parents!  Grab the Parent/Student Questionnaire and iPad contract for free from my TpT Store HERE!  Oh, and follow my store while you're there!

Christmas in July Day 1- FREEBIE!

Christmas in July Day 1 starts now!  I am super excited to share my resources with you guys!

The daily special for today is my Christmas Multiplication SCOOT Task Cards!  This product is FREE today ONLY!  

Enjoy the sale!  What would you like to see the Daily Special be tomorrow?!

Life As I Know It...

Monday, July 25, 2016

Christmas in July Sale!

Hey friends! Being on maternity leave/summer gives me little time to do anything, but I've decided that I MUST get back to blogging. I dearly miss it when I'm gone! 

So to get back into the swing of things, I am having a Merry Christmas in July Sale in my TpT store!  The entire store will be 20% off and I will have daily specials each day of the sale!

It runs tomorrow, Tuesday, July 26th - Thursday, July 28th!  Stop by my store to pick up some back to school necessities! 

Hope everyone is gearing up for back to school! I sure am trying to, but the Oklahoma heat seems to be melting my brain!

Enjoy the sale!  What would you like to see as the daily special tomorrow?!
