Sunday, September 4, 2016

Sick days and LuLaRoe!

Hey friends!  So during the second week of school I caught the notorious KID CRUD.  I ended up with an upper respiratory infection, bronchitis, and a double ear infection!  I have felt so utterly crappy, but today I am finally a bit better.

Since I missed 2 days of school last week, I went up to work at school today and found that my sub and students created this sweet thing for me and hung it on my board!  It truly warmed my heart! Love my sweet students so much!

On another SUPER EXCITING note, my BFF Jamie and I are becoming independent consultants for LULAROE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
We applied on August 5th and should be getting "the call" in the next few weeks!

We just started promoting our Facebook Page yesterday, and will post things each day to show you the styles of clothes we will be getting in our initial inventory!  If you are interested in some incredibly comfortable, modest and affordable clothes, LIKE OUR PAGE!  And if you like our page by Wednesday you will be entered to win $25 LuLa Cash to use at our launch!

We are so excited to start this journey!  Can't wait to get our call!

Friday, September 2, 2016

Friday Favorites {9-2-16}

Although I've been sick all week and it seems like nothing was too great around here, I still want to share my Friday FAVORITES from this week!  
My first FAVORITE is this GIVEAWAY that I am co-hosting with An Apple For The Teacher!  Enter the Rafflecopter HERE for a chance to win at $25 Gift Card to TPT!!!

One of my daily FAVORITES is watching my sweet baby girl do tummy time! She just smiles, roll around and tries to giggle! She's almost got it down! Gawd my heart could just explode with love!

This thing. Guys, this is the read deal. Since I've been under the weather I haven't cooked much, so I stopped in to try out Taco Bell's breakfast, which I had never done before. I got the Breakfast Crunchwrap and it is definitely a new FAVORITE! Any time I decide to break my diet I am definitely heading to Taco Bell for Breakfast!

My FAVORITE lesson I taught this week was a lab with Skittles to walk my students through the scientific method. I feel like it's very important for them to have a good grasp on the scientific method before we begin our actual district curriculum, so we tested the question "Do Skittles dissolve faster in warm or cold water?"  They loved watching the Skittles dissolve!

My absolute FAVORITE thing each day is when I see my beautiful Pre-K baby walking down the hall with her "buckle and bubble"! She is soaking up information like a sponge and I couldn't be happier that I get to see her every day! Love this kid tooooo much!

My FAVORITE moment from this week is when I realized that I've lost 17 lbs since I started my weight loss journey in June! My face really tells the tale!

My last FAVORITE of the week is this recipe my mom made my family the other night when I wasn't feeling well enough to cook: Chicken and Potatoes with Garlic Parmesan Cream Sauce!  I love this recipe so much that I've blogged about it before, but when my mom made it, it tasted even better!   Definitely try this recipe out!

Follow me on BlogLovin' HERE!

$25 TpT Gift Card GIVEAWAY!!!!!!!!!!

I love participating in these gift card giveaways! With school starting back up, this is the perfect time to enter to win a $25 TpT Gift Card!  I know most of you probably have a wish list as full as mine on TpT! So enter below!!!

Prize: $25 Teachers Pay Teachers Gift Card
Giveaway Organized by: Kelly Malloy (An Apple for the Teacher), 
Rules: Use the Rafflecopter to enter. Giveaway ends 9/9/16 and is open worldwide.

Are you a Teacher Blogger or Teachers pay Teachers seller who wants to participate in giveaways like these to grow your store and social media?  Click here to find out how you can join our totally awesome group of bloggers!