Monday, June 22, 2015

Monday Made It!

Today I'm linking up with Fourth Grade Frolics for Monday Made It!  I have been a busy little bee lately!  Here are a few of the things I've been working on!

 Father's Day creativity with my little girl!
 My daughter and I made concrete pavers for my dad, father-in-law, and husband for Father's Day!  I sent my husband to see Jurassic Park with his best friend as a Father's Day gift so Livi and I could spend the evening being creative!  It was so fun!

My awesome husband and Livi drawing on Father's Day when we were out at lunch!  Just had to add this one in here because it's so cute!

OUR POOL IS FINALLY UP!  It feels like it took forever but it was totally worth it!  We worked our tails off and now we get to reap the benefits! Finally!!!!!!!!

YAY SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Your paver is TOO cute...I remember making one of those with my boys when they were long ago!

  2. Love the paver!!! I did that with my kiddos when they were little!! Thanks for linking up:)
    4th Grade Frolics

  3. Awww... Love the paver. I made one with my kids when they were tiny. Makes me want to go out in the backyard and look at it right now (and it's midnight). Thank you for sharing! Enjoy your pool!

  4. What an adorable father's day gift. It will be cherished for many years!


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